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What values you hold is a reflection of your life.

They define what you allow into your life.

They define what boundaries you put out, determine your behaviors, how people treat you, and how you treat them.

They define how you lead, where you’re taking your business, and how easily you make the right decisions, and they guide you toward your purpose in life.

They help shape how you think, act, and feel.

Every day, you make decisions and judgments based on your values.

Your values are your choice. But it’s essential that they truly speak to what you hold close to your heart. What’s important is that you’re conscious of them and let them be a big part of how you do everything. The more conscious you are about your core values, the more effective you become in reaching your goals and making powerful decisions.

Growing up, you get instilled with the values of your environment. You might have adopted them because you truly believe in them or because you were expected to hold such values.

Pursuing your life’s work with others’ values will always create some resistance in you. You unconsciously sabotage yourself, your impact, and your results and become frustrated, angry, bitter, or disappointed because you’re not living true to yourself and your core values.

And it won’t make it better when we feel pushed to complete things that conflict with our values.

I’ve worked with leaders who have set up beautiful boundaries based on their values, only to discover later that they actually are in deep conflict with their True Values, values they, at a core level, weren’t in touch with.

How did they not know in the first place?

Good question! Let me turn that around. Do you know your core values for yourself? And how do you know they are the ones who actually are the right ones for you?

When you have contemplated that for yourself and given it your whole heart, you already have a huge advantage. And from this place, I’d like to take you on your Human Design Journey to see where you’re aligned with your true self, and where you can move into deeper discoveries to create a life that supports you even more.

“There’s no magic formula to becoming an inspirational leader. All you have to do is get in touch with your leadership core values.” Tony Robbins

Are your values align with the work you’re doing?

I invite you to book a Human Design Consultation with me to explore the map of your core needs together. The map will give you a deeper understanding of how you work energetically and how you can raise your frequency to make a bigger impact on your life and your tribe, fully aligned with the truth of who you are.


In Human Design, gate 50 is the gate of values, and right now, gate 50 is the energy that has grounded the Sun energy of gate 3 Playfulness during the past 6 days or so (late April 2023).

Have your values become clearer as you’ve gone through this week? And in what way can your values ground your playfulness as a leader?

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As we grow into leadership, we gain increasingly more responsibility, and our inherent playfulness gets pushed aside. What we love doing can easily become more of a burden the more we forget to play.

Being playful is a beautiful feminine quality that makes whatever we do more at ease and flow, undoubtedly leading to higher creativity and abundance.

Play is not only a creative way of making things happen. It is a mindset that defines your motivation, your attitude, and your impact. And by now, we know how important a healthy mindset is for our growth and evolution.

A playful mindset is relaxed, creative, imaginative, and in flow. All feminine.

It’s like it nourishes the whole body, team, and company all at once.

Encouraging leaders to be playful was considered irresponsible in traditional leadership. There was no room for playfulness, it was a waste of time and resources.

But luckily, times have changed, and what “worked” back then is not working anymore.

Playfulness is more important than ever before. Wherever we implement play and enjoyment in our work, the more we open up for authentic connection and relationship with people around us, which leads to a safe space, more collaboration, and growth. We loosen up, relax and let life come with all its gifts. We, as a team, become stronger, and the more we thrive, the more we produce.

In what way are you implementing playfulness into your leadership style?

A big issue I experienced earlier in life was not making mistakes, and that is a big conundrum for me as a 3/5 in Human Design; here to learn everything in life through exploration, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Just imagine the bitterness I moved into by removing and neglecting my natural flow.

The day I learned this about myself, I was over the moon excited. Deep inside, I knew I had to do things this way, and still, I beat myself up for doing life as I did back then.

And all I did was follow my nature, which for my monkey brain, wasn’t good enough.

What I saw as mistakes turned out not to be any mistakes at all! It was all a learning experience to gain knowledge about what works and what doesn't. That’s why it’s so important to have a wider perspective on our lives and not take things so seriously. Since then, I've learned to see all learning experiences as playful opportunities for growth and expansion, which they, in fact, are!

My 3/5 profile explained so much of my life’s journey, and I got a deeper understanding of how I learn and approach life from embodying it through my explorations and trial and error.

I’m having so much fun now that I know this is how it should be, and I’m sure you’ll get some a-ha’s that you might have forgotten about yourself when you start discovering your unique Profile.

Are you conscious of your way of learning life?

Click on the link below to figure out what Human Design tells you about your learning style, aka your Profile.

Then let me know how you experience it for yourself.

I love being playful! There’s so much fun living this way. Try it yourself! :D

Even the stuff I’m not that happy about doing becomes easier this way!

You can thank me later! ;)

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Are you a leader who feels there must be more to your actions and work? Do you feel you want more meaning and purpose behind your profession as that leader, and not only doing and keeping your head above the water?

I started my business a few years ago, knowing I was here to create energetic changes and transformations within entrepreneurs and leaders who felt they were meant for more.

Are you one of them?

How are you keeping up your good work?

I still help leaders transform their performance and business. However, since I started this journey, I’ve dived deeper into understanding my clients’ challenges through the lens of Human Design. Only making changes on the surface won’t create lasting results, and it won’t create fulfillment within you.

What’s the point of doing business if it doesn’t make you feel good and creates the impact you so deeply want?

The whole energetics within doing business is changing rapidly. The new currency will turn more and more away from money, wealth, success, and status and toward well-being and true prosperity.

So what is true prosperity, and how can it be achieved through your new frequency of leadership?

YOU are the Key.

Never has it been more important to look within, to your true gifts, to your unique way of expressing yourself, to shine your light, than now.

Your energetics needs to align with who you truly are, not as you are conditioned to be.

We want authenticity.

We want truth in such a time as this.

Our future evolution depends on it.

Let me ask you, who are you without your job, without your family and friends? Who are you really?

Human Design teaches us what we need to master to cultivate our maturity, our purpose, and wisdom.

I’ve painfully learned how devastating it is to hold myself back from the full expression of who I am and how trying to be something I’m not, only creates more struggle and pain in every area of my life.

I’ve also painfully learned how spending my energy completely out of alignment with who I truly am led me to burnout after burnout.

When I learned about Human Design, I felt deeply seen for the first time in my life and found a language to put words on how I felt, and by that could finally see myself and my work in the world through a completely new lens. I could point directly to every pain point in my life. I learned to shift perspective and rewrite my story, which was uplifting and empowering, rather than being held back and controlled by my conditioning and past trial-and-error life.

I learned to love myself again, to give compassion and understanding. I could accept and embrace myself. I could permit myself to live the life I was meant to live.

This is crucial in order to be an impactful leader. How can anyone truly be there for others without loving and caring for themselves first? And I'm not talking about that selfish love. I'm talking about giving from an abundant overflow of unconditional love from our hearts, which starts within each of us first before we're able to give.

I can’t describe how deeply this process shifted everything. It was like I could fly again. Free to live, free to make the impact I was meant to make, free to be me. No more leading from a wounded place.

When we realize that our conditioning is holding us back from soaring, and not outer circumstances, other people, or our past, transformation can happen on a deeper level.

It is time to make a change.

It is time to move away from the old way of thinking about leadership.

It is time to step into the You that follow the energetic blueprint that always wants to create flow and abundance.

It is time to embrace who you truly are.

That’s why I now open up for deep inquiry with you, for you to step fully into the role as the future leader, impacting people for all the good reasons, and creating your legacy.

The more you as an entrepreneur and leader can understand yourself, why you do what you do in the way you do it, how your energetic frequency best works, and what steps you can take to better align with your true nature, to be the best leader, to reach out more impactful with your message, to create more fulfillment and meaningful results, the greater legacy you leave for future generations to come.

We have a responsibility.

This is not a course. It's a beautiful interaction to activate your hidden power.

This is you creating your future.

This is you creating the impact you were born to make.

Let it count.

I’m here to hold that space for you and guide you toward your true prosperity.

If that sounds like something you would know more about and feel it’s time to take that quantum leap, I’m here.

Please answer this question in reply to me:

What do you think are the three greatest challenges holding leaders back from entering the new era of their leadership?

If you feel called to work with me, you are welcome to apply from this application form:

With love and gratitude


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